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Computing Web Links:

College of Engineering Computing pages

College of Engineering / EECS High Performance Computing Cluster

ONID Home Page

OSU Student Computing Facilities


Where do I find printing paper and toner?

  • Go to the front desk and ask the person on duty. Be prepared to give the room number and the name of the printer which needs paper.
  • For toner send e-mail to with the room number.

NSE Servers:

Unix CPU Hosts:

  • (Linux)

File Server:


For access to servers and cluster computing, please send e-mail to

To use NSE software on the NSE Servers or Engineering / EECS High Performance Computing Cluster

(Add the following to the .cshrc file) 
source /nfs/depot/nerc_a1/nerhp.login

MCNP Information

MCNP is export controled. You must gain approval from RSICC.

RSICC will send an e-mail indicating they have approved your request and are sending the MCNP package. You can forward this conformation e-mail to Support and they will add you to the valid user list for the NE/RHP servers.

MCNP is available on the NSE CPU servers and Engineering / EECS High Performance Computing Cluster.

Basic Information on using MCNP:

To run MCNP a working input deck must be put in the directory where the output files are to be saved.  The deck can be created by hand ( for creation of MCNP/SCALE decks please see the MCNP/SCALE manual ) or supplied.

Next to run the deck issue this command:

mcnp611 inputFileName outputFileName

One issue when running from off campus is that SSH connections may be disconnected.  To avoide this place 'nohup' in front of the command.

To terminate a running process type in 'ps -aux | grep user_name'.  This will list all process with that user name and provide the PID of the MCNP process.  Next type 'kill [PID]' and that should terminiate the process.

Thermal Hydraulic and Reactor System Analysis Codes

The department has access to the following Thermal Hydraulic and Reactor System Analysis codes. Please see Dr. Brian Woods ( to gain access to these codes.


The TRAC/RELAP Advanced Computational Engine. A modernized thermal-hydraulics code designed to consolidate the capabilities of NRC's 3 legacy safety codes - TRAC-P, TRAC-B and RELAP. It is able to analyze large/small break LOCAs and system transients in both PWRs and BWRs. The capability also exists to model thermal hydraulic phenomena in both 1-D and 3-D space. This is NRC's flagship thermal-hydraulics analysis tool.

RELAP5/MOD3.3 (NRC Maintained)

Small break LOCA and system transient analysis tool for PWRs or BWRs. It has the capability to model thermal hydraulic phenomena in 1-D components.

RELAP5-3D (INL Maintained)

RELAP5-3D is the latest in the RELAP5 code series developed at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) for the analysis of transients and accidents in water-cooled nuclear power plants and related systems as well as the analysis of advanced reactor designs. The RELAP5-3D code is an outgrowth of the one-dimensional RELAP5/MOD3 code developed at the INL. The most prominent attribute that distinguishes RELAP5-3D© from its predecessors is the fully integrated, multi-dimensional thermal-hydraulic and kinetic modeling capability. (


Symbolic Nuclear Analysis Package, SNAP, is a graphical user environment designed to assist the NRC code user in all aspects of input model development. This involves such tasks as the 1) the actual development of code input decks, 2) executing the models that have been developed, 3) visualizing the code output, and 4) managing the history of new and old legacy models alike.


MELCOR is a fully integrated, engineering-level computer code that models the progression of severe accidents in light-water reactor nuclear power plants.


VIPRE (Versatile Internals and Component Program for Reactors; EPRI) is used for nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulic analysis applications. It was designed to help evaluate nuclear reactor core safety limits including minimum departure from nucleate boiling ratio (MDNBR), critical power ratio (CPR), fuel and clad temperatures, and coolant state in normal operation and assumed accident conditions.



GOTHIC is most widely known for its uses in containment analysis. However, large bubble flow through pipes, Hydrogen burns, suppression pools and water hammers are all areas in which GOTHIC excels.


General computational fluid dynamics solver. (

If you have any questions please send email to