Here are the top tips for managing your day-to-day work & notifications (and not get overwhelmed):
Leave channels you no longer need to be in. If they're public, you can always re-join them later or find the content via search.
Mute channels you'd like to stay in, but are lower-priority. You'll still get a notification if someone mentions you specifically.
Tailor your sidebar via your personal settings. We recommend viewing only channels that you frequently visit or those that have regular activity.
Star channels that are high-priority for you. This creates a separate section in your sidebar for your most important channels.
Mark channels or DMs as unread if you're not able to action them right away. You can also use the "remind me about this later" function.
Star messages or files to make a Slack version of your to-do list.
Encourage your team to post in channels instead of sending DMs. @mention teammates when you need to get their direct attention. Other channel members can catch up when they have a chance to.
Keep in mind that you can always search your conversations in Slack. Let go of the urge to file and sort your messages into folders like you would with email. Slack's search provides piece of mind that your messages will be there, waiting for you if you need them.
Retain your usual ways of staying organized with your overall work, such as keeping an agenda or to-do list.