DPlot graphing software lets scientists and engineers graph, plot, analyze, and manipulate data.


Windows computers and Citrix 

Who Can Use This Software

DPlot is available to all College of Engineering students, faculty, and staff via either Citrix or local installation.

Access To Software

There are two ways to access DPlot:

  • DPlot can be launched as a Citrix application. Simply navigate to the Oregon State Apps page, login with your ONID credentials, click on 'Apps' at the top, select DPlot, and then click 'Open'.
  • It is possible to install DPlot on your personal (non-university) owned machine if you are a student, faculty, or staff member in the College of Engineering. See the "Personal Installation Instructions" below for more information.

Personal Installation Instructions

The following instructions are for installing DPlot on a personal device. The current license expires in July 2025.

  1. Download the installer here (Note: You will need to provide your ONID login to access the download).
  2. Extract the downloaded .zip file. 
  3. See the 'readme.txt' file for instructions on how to run the installer as well as license the application.


If you experience any errors when trying to install DPlot please contact COE Support here or via email at coe.support@oregonstate.edu