All students, faculty, and staff in Engineering are given quotas for home directories, incoming email, and printing. This article serves as a guide for understanding and maintaining your quota.

Disk Usage

Disk and email quotas have 'soft' and 'hard' limits. The 'soft' limit is the amount that you should try to stay below. You are allowed to exceed the soft limit for a "grace period" you will be sent email reminders telling you how long you have until your grace period expires. Once your grace period expires, you will not be able to write any more files to your home area. In no case will you be able to exceed the hard limit for any amount of time. A program is run nightly that checks home directory and email quotas. It mails a person if they have exceeded their quota.

For help on managing your disk usage visit:

Disk Quotas
Advisory limit
Hard limit

Printing Quota

Each student who is currently enrolled in a class for the College of Engineering is allotted a quota of 500 black and white pages per academic term.

This quota is only for use/b on College of Engineering printers and does not apply to other areas of campus. If your printing goes over 500 pages over the course of a given term, your OSU student account will be charged $0.10 per page. The sum of your printing will be charged at the end of each term.

You can check the status of your print quota on the engineering PaperCut website:

A page is defined as a printed side of paper. If you print a one page document, it counts as one page. If you print a two page document in duplex, it prints two sides of a sheet of paper, so it counts as two pages.

Requesting Refunds

If a print job fails to print, or the printer malfunctions, the job may still be charged against your quota. It's a very easy process to request a refund of those pages. Visit the following site:

  1. Login using your ONID username and password
  2. Click "Recent Print Jobs" in the menu
  3. Find the job you want a refund on. Click the "Request Refund" link on the right


  1. Specify the number of pages as well as a reason for the refund and click Send
  2. You will receive an email confirmation when the process is completed.

Checking Email and Disk Usage

You can check your assorted quotas by choosing 'Login to ENGR' on the TEACH web site.

How to Reduce Your Disk Usage

  • Common problems for people exceeding home directory (Z: drive) quota are 'core' files and not emptying the 'Trash' in the Unix window manager.
  • 'Core' files are created when a unix program crashes. If you don't have a need to debug the program, remove any core files in your account.
  • Also, when you drag a file into the 'trash' icon, it doesn't really remove the file, it just marks it for removal. To actually destroy the files, you will have to empty the trash . The specific directions vary by operating system.
  • In unix, you can use the 'compress' and 'gzip' programs to compress large files. In Windows, you can use pkzip, winzip, or other available compression programs.
  • In Windows it's important to store files on your Z: drive and not on your desktop. The desktop is part of your profile which gets stored on your Z: drive. The larger your profile is the longer it takes to load and the more prone it is to becoming corrupt.

For more help on how to manage your disk usage visit: