Using Channels in Slack

Public channels: Can be browsed and joined by anyone on the workspace. Public channels are denoted with a # in Slack.

Slack is all about open communication and collaboration, so public channels are preferred. To make it easy to find information, search will return results from all public channels on your workspace (even if you’re not a member of that channel). Workspace members can join and leave public channels at will.

Private channels: Can only be viewed and joined if you’re invited by an existing member of the channel. Private channels are denoted with a lock icon in Slack. Search only returns results from private channels you’re a member of – even if you’re an administrator.

Private channels should be reserved for group projects and other topics that aren’t for the entire class’ eyes.

Channel ideas:

Example Course: ENG 100

Suggested Purpose


Course information, class-wide announcements (previously #general, renamed to #hsc100-announcements). You can lock this channel down so only administrators can post.


General question and answer channel where students can crowdsource assistance on course concepts.


Channel for communication on course assignments 1, 2, 3, etc.


Office hour locations, guidelines, scheduling.


General discussion on course material – great for sharing articles or posing questions to the class during lecture or tutorial.

Please note:Students will not automatically be added to new channels created after they’ve joined the workspace, so set any default course-wide channels before the course starts.