Slurm Workload Manager is a batch scheduling software used for requesting resources and running jobs on the CoE HPC cluster.  Once your HPC account has been enabled, you will be assigned to a Slurm account corresponding to your department or class. Assignment to a research group account is required for accessing private resources, and assignment to a class account is required for accessing resources reserved for class use.  

The Slurm software module should be loaded automatically when you log into a submit node, which you can confirm by typing:  

module list

If Slurm is not listed, you may need to login to TEACH and click "Reset Unix Config Files". In the short term you may load it by typing:

module load slurm

Once the Slurm module is loaded, you can begin using Slurm to request resources and submit jobs.  See the sections below for examples using Slurm.

Launch interactive sessions using srun

If you want to request resources for an interactive session or single command, you can use the Slurm command "srun":  

srun {srun options} {command or shell}

See examples of srun below:

To start an interactive (pseudo-terminal bash shell) session on the cluster:

srun --pty bash

The tcsh and other shells can be used instead of bash for srun (and sbatch) if that is preferred.  

To request an interactive tcsh session from the default (share) queue for more than the default 12 hours, e.g. 3 days:

srun --time=3-00:00:00 --pty tcsh

To request an interactive bash session with 64GB RAM from the share queue:

srun -p share --mem=64G --pty bash

To request an interactive bash session to run an application using 12 OpenMP threads from the share queue:

srun -p share -c 12 --pty bash

To request an interactive bash session with a GPU from the dgx queue using the mime account:

srun -A mime -p dgx --gres=gpu:1 --pty bash

To request an interactive session with a GPU from either the dgx2, gpu, or share queues using the eecs account:

srun -A eecs -p dgx2,gpu,share --gres=gpu:1 --pty bash

To request an interactive session with two GPUs on a specific node in the dgx2 queue using the eecs account:

srun -A eecs -p dgx2 --nodelist=dgx2-1 --gres=gpu:2 --pty bash

To request an interactive tcsh session with X11 (e.g. for running a GUI) from the class queue using the cs475-575 account:

srun -A cs475-575 -p class --x11 --pty tcsh

To request an interactive session to run an MPI application with 8 processes over an arbitrary number of nodes from the share queue:

srun -p share -n 8 --pty bash

To request an interactive session to run an MPI application on 2 nodes with infiniband and 8 processes per infiniband node from either the cbee or share queues using the cbee account:

srun -A cbee -p cbee,share -N 2 --ntasks-per-node=8 --constraint=ib --pty bash

To request an interactive session on a compute node containing the "avx2" instruction set, from the preempt queue:

srun -p preempt --constraint=avx2 --pty bash

To request an interactive session with one GPU on a compute node with an RTX6000 GPU, from the preempt queue:

srun -p preempt --gres=gpu:1 --constraint=rtx6000 --pty bash

For more information or options on srun, check out the manual page by typing "man srun".

Submit batch jobs using sbatch

Submitting batch jobs are useful when you need to run several jobs, or long jobs.  Batch job submissions will not be interrupted by lost network or VPN connections. The Slurm command "sbatch" is used to submit batch jobs.

To submit a batch job to the cluster:


where is a script containing the commands you wish to run as well as a list of SBATCH directives specifying the resources or parameters that you need for your job.  See the sample batch script below.  

#SBATCH -J helloWorld						  # name of job
#SBATCH -A mySponsoredAccount	  # name of my sponsored account, e.g. class or research group, NOT ONID!
#SBATCH -p share								  # name of partition or queue
#SBATCH -o helloWorld.out				  # name of output file for this submission script
#SBATCH -e helloWorld.err				  # name of error file for this submission script

# load any software environment module required for app (e.g. matlab, gcc, cuda)
module load software/version

# run my job (e.g. matlab, python)

There are additional sample batch scripts located in /apps/samples, so feel free to copy them to your directory and modify them according to your needs.

Here are some other useful SBATCH directives that can be included in a batch script to specify additional resources or different parameters from the defaults:

#SBATCH --time=2-12:30:00                 # time limit on job: 2 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes (default 12 hours)
#SBATCH -N 2                                        # number of nodes (default 1)
#SBATCH --nodelist=node1,node2...  # required node, or comma separated list of required nodes
#SBATCH -n 3                                         # number of MPI tasks (default 1)
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=3           # number of MPI tasks per node (default 1), use for multiple nodes (-N>1)
#SBATCH -c 4                                         # number of cores/threads per task (default 1)
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1                         # number of GPUs to request (default 0)
#SBATCH --mem=10G                          # request 10 gigabytes memory (per node, default depends on node)
#SBATCH --constraint=ib                     # request node with infiniband
#SBATCH --constraint=avx512            # request node with AVX512 instruction set
#SBATCH --constraint=a40                  # request node with A40 GPU

For more information or options on sbatch, check out the manual page by typing "man sbatch".

Here are the currently available node features that can be requested using the Slurm "--constraint" option:

#SBATCH --constraint=ib                     # request node with infiniband
#SBATCH --constraint=eth                  # request node with ethernet

#SBATCH --constraint=avx                  # request node with AVX instruction set
#SBATCH --constraint=avx2                # request node with AVX2 instruction set
#SBATCH --constraint=avx512            # request node with AVX512 instruction set

#SBATCH --constraint=haswell          # request node with Intel Haswell CPU
#SBATCH --constraint=broadwell      # request node with Intel Broadwell CPU
#SBATCH --constraint=skylake           # request node with Intel Skylake CPU

#SBATCH --constraint=t4                     # request node with T4 GPU
#SBATCH --constraint=k40m               # request node with K40m GPU
#SBATCH --constraint=m60                 # request node with M60 GPU
#SBATCH --constraint=rtx6000           # request node with RTX6000 GPU
#SBATCH --constraint=rtx8000           # request node with RTX8000 GPU
#SBATCH --constraint=v100                # request node with V100 GPU
#SBATCH --constraint=a40                  # request node with A40 GPU

Note that when requesting a node with a specific GPU using the constraint option, you must still use the "--gres" option to request the GPU itself.


Cancel jobs

To cancel a job on the cluster:

scancel {jobid}

To cancel all of your jobs on the cluster:

scancel -u {ONID}

For more information or options on scancel, type "man scancel".

View status of partitions and nodes

To view a list of queues and their status:


For more information or options on sinfo, type "man sinfo".

To view status and available resources (CPU, GPU, RAM) of all nodes in a partition:

nodestat {partition}

View status of jobs

To view the list and status of all jobs in all queues:


To view the list and status of all jobs in one partition or queue:

squeue -p {partition}

To view the list and status of your jobs:

squeue -u {ONID}

For more information or options on squeue, type "man squeue".

To view status of jobs in the queue but with an alternate, longer listing format:


To see more detailed information on a specific pending or running job:

showjob {jobid}

Summary of partitions

Here is a list of partitions, their descriptions, and a list of accounts that have access to them:

Partition Description/Owner Accounts
share Shared resources, open to all users ALL
class Resources reserved for class use class accounts
dgxh DGX-H systems ALL
dgxh-ceoas DGX-H systems for CEOAS ceoas
dgx2 DGX-2 systems ALL
dgxs DGX workstations for short-term use n/a
gpu Shared GPU servers for EECS eecs
gpu-dmv Resources for research group dmv
ampere Resources for research group ALL
athena Resources for research group hlab
bee Shared resources for BEE fc-lab, sg-ecohydro
bee1 Resources for research group fc-lab
cbee Resources for research group la-grp
cp-grp Resources for research group cp-grp
ecohydro Resources for research group sg-ecohydro
eecs Shared resources for EECS eecs
eecs2 Resources for research group virl-grp
eecs3 Resources for research group rah-grp
mime1 Resources for research group kt-lab
mime2 Resources for research group jt-grp
mime3 Resources for research group mime3_grp
mime4 Resources for research group nrg
mime5 Resources for research group simon-grp
mime7 Resources for research group ba-grp
nacse Resources for NACSE nacse
nerhp Shared resources for NSE nse
nerhp2 Resources for research group ig-lab
nse3 Resources for research group cp-grp,tp-grp
sail Resources for research group sail
soundbendor Shared resources for research groups soundbendor
tp-grp Resources for research group tp-grp
preempt Low priority queue with access to all resources, but subject to preemption by higher priority jobs ALL


Summary of partition limits

Here is a list of partitions and their time and resource limits:


Time Limit CPU cores GPUs RAM
share 7 days 500 none none
class varies varies varies varies
dgxh 2 days 64 2 500g
dgx2 7 days 32 8 500g
dgxs 24 hours 20 4 n/a
gpu 7 days 48 8 750g
ampere 7 days 64 2 250g
eecs 7 days 360 n/a none
preempt 7 days none none none

The total number of jobs that one user can submit to all partitions at once is 1000. 

The total number of jobs that one user can have running in all partitions at once is 400.


For more information on using Slurm, visit the website below: